Editorial: Yes, college can still be affordable

Last month in this space, we wrote about a poll by the Detroit Regional Chamber that revealed a startling disconnect between the facts about...

Hank Cetola: Are we brave enough to keep America the land of the free?

Are we brave enough to fight for our freedom against the political forces trying to remove them?

Editorial: Perception vs. reality

There’s a well-known phenomenon in polling: Even though crime has been falling steadily since the 1990s, with only minor interruptions in the overall trend, people always say it’s going up. 

Hank Cetola: The facts and the hype about illegal immigration

There is a lot of talk about securing the border. We’re told that if we don’t do that, the immigrants will eventually take over our homeland and push us out. Could that happen? It already did. Just ask any Native American.

Letter to the Editor for August 2024

Libbi Urban’s candidacy offers much-needed change.

Editorial: Expanded voting options are good for democracy

If there’s one thing we should all be able to get together on as Americans, it’s that offering more opportunities for people to vote is a good thing.

Letter to the Editor for July 2024

Lenawee County needs to stop playing games with our money.

Editorial: Juneteenth — Fulfilling the promise of the Fourth

Juneteenth symbolizes a step in the long and often difficult journey toward actually fulfilling the promises that were made on July 4, 1776.

Letters to the Editor for June 2024

In defense of Christian empathy ... Point-of-sale ordinance would be a needless burden ... Clean energy benefits all.

Editorial: Public schools, public libraries are essential to our democracy

This month, many Lenawee County residents will have an opportunity to express support for two institutions that are at the very heart of any functioning democracy: public schools and public libraries.