
Hoodies for Lenawee Farmworkers drive collects clothes to help workers keep warm

As southeast Michigan prepares to welcome hundreds of migrant farmworkers, community members are stepping up to make sure they have the warm clothing they will need to face chilly Michigan weather.

HOPE Center raising funds to buy a van

With the help of a generous challenge grant from an anonymous donor, the HOPE Community Center in Adrian is getting closer to a longtime dream.

Hidden Lake Gardens plans volunteer fair

Hidden Lake Gardens is planning a volunteer fair for people who would like to learn about volunteer opportunities at the botanical gardens. 

Upcoming programs at the Ebeid Center

ProMedica’s Ebeid Neighborhood Promise has announced the following upcoming activities at the Ebeid Center, 801 E. Maumee St., Adrian.

Three educators recognized for inclusion efforts

Adrian Public Schools recently recognized three staff members as Inclusion Champions for their dedication to supporting students with disabilities and fostering an inclusive learning environment. 

Electronic magnifier donated to Adrian library

An electronic magnifier to help people with low vision is now available at the Adrian District Library.

New AAUW chapter is forming locally

The organization seeks to advance equity for women and girls through advocacy, education and research.

Community leaders honored at Martin Luther King Day celebration

Lenawee County residents honored the memory of a civil rights icon with both reflection and calls to action at the 37th annual Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Community Celebration.

Lenawee Youth Council awards grants to 11 local projects

The Lenawee Community Foundation recently announced $18,854 in grants to community projects. The projects were chosen by members of the Lenawee Youth Council.

El Consejo Juvenil de Lenawee (Lenawee Youth Council) otorga becas a 11 programas 

ADRIAN —  La Fundación Comunitaria Lenawee (Lenawee Community Foundation) anunció recientemente $18,854 en becas para proyectos comunitarios. Los proyectos fueron elegidos por miembros del...