Steven Kiss, who plays the title character in “The SpongeBob Musical” at the Croswell Opera House, is no stranger to playing beloved TV and film characters transplanted to the stage.
Recent renovations at the Salvation Army, located at 217 W. Church St. in Adrian, have improved the organization’s ability to serve people in need in the community.
Durante la reunión del 4 de noviembre, la Comisión de la Ciudad de Adrian discutió los espacios de estacionamiento accesibles para discapacitados en el Centro de la Ciudad.
As Paul Plassman walked around the downtowns and historic districts of southern Michigan towns, he would often find himself admiring the architecture around him.
Adrian City Commissioner Mary Roberts recently attended a meeting between the Michigan Department of Transportation and representatives of local communities.
Lanzamiento Lenawee (Launch Lenawee), una organización que ayuda a emprendedores locales a iniciar nuevos negocios, está planificando sus seminarios de aprendizaje para el 2025.