Erik Gable

Homelessness in Lenawee County discussed at town hall meeting

ADRIAN — About 50 people filled a lecture room at Adrian College’s Valade Hall on Nov. 2 for a town hall about homelessness sponsored...

Housing tops the agenda for newly re-elected mayor

ADRIAN — As Adrian approaches its bicentennial in 2025, newly re-elected Mayor Angela Sword Heath says one of the biggest tasks facing the city...

City buys land along Church Street to expand downtown parking

ADRIAN — The city of Adrian is purchasing a small plot of land on the north side of Church Street with the goal of...

City looks at changes to Winter Street area

ADRIAN — The Adrian City Commission is looking at changes to the Winter Street area between Maple and Church streets downtown.  The goals include making...

Desire to help kids drives Jamar Bonney

ADRIAN — Jamar Bonney wants kids in the Adrian community to know that somebody cares. It’s a passion driven both by his own experiences and...

Fresh, local food is focus of new family-owned downtown grocery

ADRIAN — The story of Adrian’s newest grocery store begins with an ingredient list. Jay and Gwynne Marks were making dinner with their kids one...

De’Angelo Boone is 2023 recipient of Norma Dell Courage to Care Award

ADRIAN — De’Angelo Boone is the recipient of the Lenawee County Continuum of Care’s Norma Dell Courage to Care award. The honor — named for...

Local man’s Civil War uniform donated to Lenawee County museum

ADRIAN — A piece of Lenawee County history has come home, thanks to a gift from an Oregon couple. A few years ago, Lenawee County...

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Alertas de fraude inmobiliario disponibles

Los propietarios de viviendas en el condado de Lenawee ahora pueden inscribirse para recibir alertas gratuitas si se presentan escrituras o hipotecas fraudulentas que afecten su propiedad.

Property fraud alerts available through Register of Deeds

Homeowners in Lenawee County can now sign up to receive free alerts if fraudulent deeds or mortgages are filed that affect their property.

Little Mews cat rescue works to find homes for felines in need

Dona Olsen walked over to a cage containing a huge white and tan cat and opened the door.

Capitol Roundup: Bellino bill would let local governments act faster on road projects

State Sen. Joseph Bellino (R-Monroe) has introduced a bill that he said would allow local governments to respond to minor road issues more quickly.

New restaurant Atlas is a homecoming for Brooklyn couple

Brooklyn’s newest restaurant, Atlas, came about thanks to a couple who traded Chicago for a quieter life in small-town Michigan.