Erik Gable

Workforce development center slated for East Church Street location

ADRIAN — A $10 million state investment will fund the creation of a workforce development center on Adrian’s east side that aims to give...

Tecumseh Tavern is a sports bar with old-world charm

The Tecumseh Tavern may be new to town, but its owners want everyone who steps through the door to feel like it’s been a part of the community forever.

Lifelong book lover opens used bookstore in downtown Adrian

Tropetastic Books and Gifts is located inside Rad Raptor Comics, 209 N. Main St.

Symphony’s holiday concert a true community affair

It’s both a community event and a family one: the Adrian Symphony Orchestra’s annual Christmas concert, “Ho-Ho-Holidays,” which will take place Dec. 9 at Adrian College’s Dawson Auditorium.

City discusses use of Crimson Holdings remediation funds

ADRIAN — A pot of money has been set aside to help people harmed by odor problems from the Crimson Holdings powdered egg plant...

Despite distribution fee increase, Adrian gas rates will go down this winter

Although Citizens Gas Fuel Co. is increasing its distribution fees for the first time in 14 years, Adrian residents will actually see lower rates on their gas bills this winter due to a decrease in the price of natural gas.

Local author delves into the life of her grandmother, Maine’s celebrated ‘Lupine Lady’

ADRIAN — In 1982, a children’s author named Barbara Rooney published a picture book. It was about an old woman named Miss Rumphius who,...

A new chapter: Cathy Chesher is retiring after 27 years as Adrian’s youth services librarian

Cathy Chesher didn’t start out intending to be a children’s librarian. But now, as she prepares for retirement after 27 years as youth services librarian for Adrian, she says it’ll be hard to give it up.

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Don't miss

Dominican Sisters offer legal help with immigration needs

People in need of legal assistance with immigration can get free help from the Immigration Assistance Office of the Adrian Dominican Sisters.

La Comisión de la Ciudad analiza la propuesta de desarrollo de viviendas 

La Comisión de la Ciudad de Adrian decidirá en abril si aprueba un cambio de zonificación que permitiría construir un nuevo desarrollo de viviendas en el sitio del antiguo Hospital Bixby. 

Las Hermanas Dominicas de Adrian ofrecen asistencia legal a inmigrantes

ADRIAN — Las personas que necesiten asistencia legal con...

Editorial: Bungling of trade policies could devastate local farmers

Blundering around sticking your fingers into things you don’t understand is no way to run a lemonade stand, let alone a country.

Letters to the Editor for April 2025

Keep Elon Musk’s hands off of our Social Security ... A republic, but can we keep it?