The Tecumseh Tavern may be new to town, but its owners want everyone who steps through the door to feel like it’s been a part of the community forever.
It’s both a community event and a family one: the Adrian Symphony Orchestra’s annual Christmas concert, “Ho-Ho-Holidays,” which will take place Dec. 9 at Adrian College’s Dawson Auditorium.
Although Citizens Gas Fuel Co. is increasing its distribution fees for the first time in 14 years, Adrian residents will actually see lower rates on their gas bills this winter due to a decrease in the price of natural gas.
Cathy Chesher didn’t start out intending to be a children’s librarian.
But now, as she prepares for retirement after 27 years as youth services librarian for Adrian, she says it’ll be hard to give it up.
La Comisión de la Ciudad de Adrian decidirá en abril si aprueba un cambio de zonificación que permitiría construir un nuevo desarrollo de viviendas en el sitio del antiguo Hospital Bixby.