Erik Gable

Commissioners give no indication of what they’ll do about point-of-sale repeal

ADRIAN — City commissioners gave no indications on Nov. 4 as to how they are likely to proceed now that a movement to repeal...

Woodworking institute plans new campus, asks city to consider land sale

Big plans for the Sam Beauford Woodworking Institute were detailed at the Oct. 21 Adrian City Commission meeting, along with a request for the city of Adrian to consider selling 22 acres of city-owned land on the north side of town for a future campus.

Three Lenawee County Commission seats contested in November

Three out of Lenawee County’s nine county commission seats have contested races in the November election, and all three of those contested races are a rematch between two candidates who faced each other in 2022.

Local couple’s business is picking up

Calling themselves the "pooper troopers," Austin and Jeslyn McMullen, the owners of Doggy Doo Duty, aim to relieve dog owners of an unpleasant task.

Made-in-Michigan products are a mainstay of downtown gift shop

ADRIAN — There’s a little bit of everything at Sass Gift Shop, a downtown Adrian store that is currently celebrating its 10th year in...

Future of Winter Street riverfront now rests with city

ADRIAN — After private efforts to rehabilitate downtown Adrian’s Winter Street riverfront area hit a number of stumbling blocks, the city has agreed to...

New report card examines health of the River Raisin watershed

ADRIAN — A new report card, issued by the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science in collaboration with the River Raisin Watershed Council...

Two longtime theater artists team up to bring Shakespeare in the Park to Adrian

ADRIAN — Centuries ago, William Shakespeare staged his plays in London’s Globe Theatre, not far from the River Thames. Now, two longtime members of...

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Dominican Sisters offer legal help with immigration needs

People in need of legal assistance with immigration can get free help from the Immigration Assistance Office of the Adrian Dominican Sisters.

La Comisión de la Ciudad analiza la propuesta de desarrollo de viviendas 

La Comisión de la Ciudad de Adrian decidirá en abril si aprueba un cambio de zonificación que permitiría construir un nuevo desarrollo de viviendas en el sitio del antiguo Hospital Bixby. 

Las Hermanas Dominicas de Adrian ofrecen asistencia legal a inmigrantes

ADRIAN — Las personas que necesiten asistencia legal con...

Editorial: Bungling of trade policies could devastate local farmers

Blundering around sticking your fingers into things you don’t understand is no way to run a lemonade stand, let alone a country.

Letters to the Editor for April 2025

Keep Elon Musk’s hands off of our Social Security ... A republic, but can we keep it?