Stair Library invites residents to display their creativity

Maryn Shaffer, now a sixth grader, took part in all 100 days of the 100 Day Project last year, creating 100 drawings that were displayed in the Stair District Library community room. She’s pictured here with a selection of those drawings, which are currently in the library entryway.
Maryn Shaffer, now a sixth grader, took part in all 100 days of the 100 Day Project last year, creating 100 drawings that were displayed in the Stair District Library community room. She’s pictured here with a selection of those drawings, which are currently in the library entryway.

MORENCI — The Stair District Library in Morenci is inviting residents to showcase their creativity at their local library.

The library has been taking part in the 100 Day Project, a global art project in which people choose a creative project, do it every single day for 100 days, and share the process on social media using the hashtag #The100DayProject.

Morenci Elementary School fourth graders work on art projects to kick off the 100 Day Project at the Stair District Library.
Morenci Elementary School fourth graders work on art projects to kick off the 100 Day Project at the Stair District Library.

Library director Colleen Leddy is adding an in-person element to the online project by inviting people to display their work at the library for other members of the community to enjoy. The project began on Feb. 18, but Leddy said that even though the idea is to create something every day, people should feel free to jump in and create at any time.

One person who did the entire 100 days last years is Maryn Shaffer. The Morenci student, who was in fifth grade last year, created 100 drawings that were displayed in the library’s community room. Many of them are currently hanging in the library entryway.

The library marked the beginning of the 100 Day Project by hosting open art studio hours for the community. In addition, fourth graders from Morenci Elementary School visited the library to have fun creating. 

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