ADRIAN — A complete revision of the city of Adrian’s zoning ordinance will be discussed at the Adrian Planning Commission’s next meeting, at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 4, in the City Chambers Building at 159 E. Maumee St.
Consultants from SmithGroup in Ann Arbor have been helping with the proposed changes. A grant from the Michigan Redevelopment Ready Communities program covered 50% of the cost of the work.
City administrator Greg Elliott said one of the biggest proposed changes is that it would become easier to build accessory dwelling units, such as apartments above a garage, in the city. Residential-zoned properties would automatically allow occupancy by multiple families, although in order to have an ADU, a property would still have to meet certain requirements, including minimum lot size and off-street parking.
One thing about Adrian’s current zoning code that caused a great deal of discussion last year is the fact that there are no height restrictions in “Educational, Research and Office” zones. This became an issue when neighbors of Adrian College objected to plans for an inflatable sports dome behind their homes, but the planning commission could not find anything about the plan that violated the current code.
The proposed revisions do include height limits in ERO districts, Elliott said, although this would only affect future construction.
Another zoning-related topic that generated some controversy last year involved recreational vehicles. The planning commission had discussed having stricter rules for RVs, but dropped the idea after hearing public opposition to the idea. Elliott said the proposed new ordinance does not contain any changes related to RVs.