ONSTED — At its December meeting, the Onsted Village Council voted 6-0 to approve a proposal from newly elected village president Robert Schafer that limits access to video footage from surveillance cameras such as the ones located in the village park.
“The goal is to limit the number of people that have access to that video as well as to clearly define when that video will and will not be used,” Schafer told the Lenawee Voice.
Under the policy, video footage can only be accessed for the purpose of aiding police or investigating a specific complaint.
In other Onsted news:
Schafer’s election as village president as a write-in candidate created a vacancy on the village council, because he was also elected to a council seat in the November election. At the Dec. 9 council meeting, Jay Best was named to fill the vacancy by a 3-2 vote. Voting in favor were trustees Keri Jeffords, Steve Muth and Mike Slick. Voting against the appointment were Libby Chase and Mark Robothom.