Boy with special needs finds a home on the track with the help of Palmyra Speedway owner

Jacob Garcia made his racing debut this season at Palmyra Speedway. (Photo courtesy of Jerry Garcia)
Jacob Garcia made his racing debut this season at Palmyra Speedway. (Photo courtesy of Jerry Garcia)

PALMYRA — A local boy with special needs has found his niche behind the wheel of a racing kart this season, thanks to people who believed in him.

The boy’s name is Jacob Garcia, and one of those people who believed in him is John Bailey, the owner of Palmyra Speedway. 

Jacob’s parents, Jerry and Sarah Garcia, say Bailey went the extra mile for their son, making the 2024 racing season truly one to remember.

Jacob was born with bilateral polymicrogyria and schizencephaly (cerebral palsy), a condition characterized by abnormal development of the brain before birth. This has affected his life in several ways, including delayed development, intellectual disability, and problems with movement. He was an infant when he was adopted by the Garcias.

“Jacob’s daily life is very challenging both mentally and physically, but he faces his issues head on and refuses to let anything get in his way of experiencing life,” his dad said. “There are many things Jacob just cannot and will not be able to do. But one thing he shows a natural gift at is driving.”

Jacob and his dad have enjoyed going to the kart races at Palmyra Speedway for several years, and Jacob always enjoyed driving the yard kart that his dad bought for him several years ago at Camping World. But last year, Jacob asked his dad if he could try his hand at actually racing.  Bailey agreed to let Jacob bring his kart to the track on an open weekend to see if he could handle going around on his own.

As soon as he got on the track, Jacob hit the gas pedal and attacked the track without any apprehension — and within just a few laps, Bailey looked at Jacob’s dad and said “Jerry, this kid’s got it!”

So, from that fall day in 2023, they started making plans for Jacob to make his debut in the 2024 racing season. They found him a go-kart, fit him to it, and started practicing. They made some adjustments to the kart along the way to fit Jacob’s physical abilities and ensure his personal safety. The process wasn’t without its difficulties, his dad said — “but Jacob has found his place not only on the track, but in the hearts of the many racing teams and fans of the speedway.” 

“Jacob is showing everyone that although having a severe cerebral palsy affects his body, it doesn’t affect his spirit,” his dad said. “He demonstrates that one can still find their place and purpose in this world if given the chance.”

His parents are thankful to Bailey, who also worked with the National Karting Alliance to find the best way for Jacob to compete, for everything he’s done to make Jacob’s dream of racing a reality.

“John has demonstrated openly his belief, confidence and compassion in someone with special needs,” Jerry Garcia said.

Besides being proud of his son, Jacob’s dad said he hopes Jacob’s story holds a lesson for others.

“I want others to be encouraged that even though one has challenges and difficulties, there is always a way to conquer them and be a winner with the help of others who believe in you!”

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