Community pool repairs top the list of projects for proposed Tecumseh school district millage

TECUMSEH — The Tecumseh school district is asking voters to approve a 1.75-mill sinking fund levy in the November election.

The proposed sinking fund would generate approximately $7.5 million over five years. The first project on the agenda is making repairs to the Tecumseh Community Memorial Pool building, estimated to cost around $2.5 million.  The repairs would be carried out in phases to minimize disruption.

The sinking fund also would cover projects to repair, maintain, and improve aging TPS facilities. This includes new roofs at the four remaining buildings, new HVAC units, steam pipe replacements, network technology upgrades, and more. 

“The sinking fund is not just about the pool,” Superintendent Matt Hilton said. “It represents a crucial investment in our school district’s infrastructure, addressing necessary building and site projects that have been deferred far too long.” 

The district will host several informational meetings about the millage proposal. Meetings are scheduled for: 

  • Monday, Sept. 16 at 6 p.m.
  • Tuesday, Sept. 24 at 6 p.m.
  • Thursday, Sept. 26 at 6 p.m.

All three meetings will take place in the media center at Tecumseh High School, 760 Brown St.

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